A day in the life of a Hormar student
Student Profiles

Joined 2019
I always love the discussions because I have a chance to talk about my opinions and experiences on a topic. The spirituality circles allow me to gather my thoughts and do a lot of reflection. Mediation exercises have helped with my breathing and stress relief. I use them for anxiety and stress.
Hormar is an amazing experience that I could never forget. Being around people who look like me in positions that I aspire to be in is so heartwarming.

Joined 2018
My communication skills have gotten better because of the debates, projects, and skits. They boosted my confidence so much and made me way more outgoing. I’m not afraid to stand for my opinion now.
The field trip to BU was my favorite Hormar memory because everyone had fun and took pictures while learning about college. It felt like a family going to a picnic and made us feel more connected. I developed relationships with people I hadn’t talked to before.

Joined 2020
Mentors do a good job connecting with mentees. I have bad communication skills and my mentor still always reaches out. Even if she is having a bad day, she doesn't show it and she is there for me.
Overall the Hormar organizers and mentors want what’s best for the students. The support within the program and the connections that you form all help you become a better person. You become more comfortable with yourself and no longer feel like you have to change for society.

Joined 2018
I joined Hormar because I thought it would be a great step to accomplishing things in the future like going to college and finding a job that suits me.
I call my mentor and I, the Fantastic Duo, because we are like brothers. He is so easy to talk to. He is the reason that I got a job and joined a club at school.
Featured Work
Each semester, students work on a variety of projects to build skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and community engagement. Below are some examples from previous years.